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Guida Michelin
Vale la pena di fare delle deviazioni
Il parere della Guida Michelin
Benjamin Gallein is no stranger to the region. His creative cuisine is one of the fine dining options available in the Leineschloss, which is the seat of Lower Saxony's state parliament. The restaurant is housed in the modern extension of this historic building situated on the Platz der Göttinger Sieben, close to the Leine River. The name Votum is a reference to the choices to be made within the set menu: diners decide on the order of the courses, on potential "upgrades", as well as the wine pairings (alcohol-free alternatives also available). The dishes are named e.g. "cauliflower, parsley, egg, breadcrumbs" or "mularde from Odefey & Töchter, fermented plum, trumpet mushroom, hay". The glass-walled dining area makes for an elegant setting, as does the beautiful terrace overlooking the river. Attentive and well-drilled service, with the chefs occasionally delivering the dishes themselves. Schorse and Casino Royale also belong to the hotel.
Hannah-Arendt-Platz 1
30159 Hannover