The Table Kevin Fehling
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Guida Michelin
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Il parere della Guida Michelin
In his set menu (dubbed "Das Tor zur Welt" – "Gateway to the World"), Kevin Fehling makes use of a wide variety of ingredients – Asian, Middle Eastern and South American – and also likes to combine these, crossover style, with classic French-based cuisine. An array of wonderfully complementary flavours turn creations such as "The Sea – poached oyster, hamachi, sea urchin & horseradish" or "Ballotine of quail, aubergine, kumquat, argan oil cream & saffron broth" into characteristic dishes that shine in terms of the quality of the produce, precision, and depth of flavour. In the stylish, relaxed atmosphere at the long and winding table after which the restaurant is named, you can see the action unfold in the kitchen – everything runs like a well-oiled machine or an orchestra! Restaurant manager David Eitel, part of the charming, attentive service team, who interact with guests in a laid-back manner, should also be mentioned.
Shanghaiallee 15
20457 Amburgo